Online and....
India being the longest running mission which began in 2020. We have 27 pastors we are
supporting in India with roughly 100 house church groups throughout a 3 state region of
Rahjastan, Gujurat, and Madya Pradesh. The house churches are actively discipling around
4,000 believers. Apart from that we are doing nearly daily outreach programs, gospel
crusades and door to door evangelism. We also have built one church building that is very
frequently used for meetings and services of various kinds. A major outreach tool we have
used in India is well drilling. We have drilled 4 water wells in the rural parts of India among
the tribal people. As in many parts of the world, water can be difficult to get in India. Some
people walk for hours just to fill a pitcher of water for the day. Providing clean water for
these people not only gives the obvious natural blessing but it opens up hearts to hear the
gospel. When drilling is complete, we have a well dedication service where we share the
gospel and the love of Jesus. Hundreds, if not thousands of people of made decisions for
Christ through these efforts.
The work in Kisii, Kenya has been on going for almost a year now. Our lead pastor there is
also a university student and a very zealous young man! We currently have one location that
meets at pastor Peter’s family property under a shed roof. The church members there are
faithful to do many outreach programs such as giving bibles, food outreach, and covering
school supply needs for people in there community.
Pastor Brad is also involved in many other outreach programs locally and in other nations.
He leads frequent mission trips, hosts conferences, preaches at churches, teaches bible
classes online and does daily one on one discipleship.
The Work in Nepal is very new and we are just developing our team and organization there.
We are in the process of renting a church location in Kathmandu City for weekly meetings.
Apart from that we have many house church meetings and evangelistic meetings on going.
Although we don’t have a physical church there yet, Pastor Brad makes frequent trips there and helps disciple online. Cuba has an awesome christian population and the church there is growing very quickly!